7 Simple Tips to Manage Diabetes

There has been a lot of research done over the past decade or so, on successfully putting diabetes into remission with a raw food diet.
If you are serious about reversing or curbing diabetes then you can go 100% raw vegan, and quickly see a marked improvement in your health. Provided you consume a diet rich in healthy fruits and vegetables then you will successfully put diabetes in its place.
It is a good idea to set aside 21 days or more to really focus on reversing your chronic health condition for good.
That is one of the reasons that we have put together a 21 day juice detox.
Here are 7 ways that you can begin to manage your diabetes if going 100% raw vegan right away is not your cup of tea.
#1 Ditch the Dairy
It is a fact that milk is full of fat, hormones and puss and will make you gain weight. This weight clogs your lymphatic system and is very detrimental to those suffering diabetes. In addition to this many peer reviewed scientific studies have found a link between dairy consumption and both cancer and diabetes. Therefore it is important if you are diabetic, to ditch the dairy and go for a healthier option like almond milk, rice milk or oat milk.
If you are worried about your calcium intake, it is good to know that many vegetables are rich in calcium, kale has more calcium than dairy milk, so add some kale to your salad.
#2 Eat an abundance of Raw Fruit and Vegetables
Eating more raw fruits and vegetables will mean that you will be nourishing yourself with an abundance of nutrients and enzymes that are essential for you to begin healing diabetes. Eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables will cleanse your digestive system and fight diabetes and chronic disease by boosting your immune system. Nobody can argue with that!
#3 Reduce Consumption of Cheese and Meat
Saturated (bad) fat in our diet is found predominantly in cheese and meat. By eating a lot less cheese and meat (if any), while being mindful to eat enough healthy food we will have more energy and reduce diabetes symptoms. There have been many studies that suggest taking up a vegan or vegetarian diet will drastically reduce both the instances and the symptoms of diabetes.
Why not try changing your hamburger for a bean burger, if you are craving a burger. Or even simply crowd these foods out of your diet and eat lots of healthy raw fruits and veg.
#4 Prepare a Healthy Meal at Home
Eating fast food can lead to diabetes because of the amount of calories, fat, and sodium in fast-food meals. Decide to take up cooking and prepare your meals at home with family and friends. Creating a meal is a brilliant bonding experience.
If you get everyone involved and ask them to put their phones down, you will all be able to have fun and create a healthy meal together that will work on eradicating diabetes.
#5 Choose Healthier Oils
When looking for oils that are good for your health, the first place to look is flaxseed oil. It is important to consume it raw, as it is not healthy when cooked and can oxidize. If you are cooking then refrain from using butter, margarine, lard or sunflower/ vegetable oils. Instead go for canola oil, avocado oil, or olive oil.
#6 Steam your veg if you want to soften them
If you want to soften up your veg, perhaps potatoes, parsnips or sweet potatoes, never fry them. Frying, boiling or roasting is extremely bad for your health especially if you have diabetes. Instead use a steamer to preserve the nutrients and still enjoy slightly crunchy veg.
#7 Don’t Eat Processed Food
The methods used to process foods (and increase their shelf life) results in a much higher glycemic index, thus negatively affecting and contributing to diabetes. (Ross, Brand, Thorburn & Trussel, 1987, p. 635). Processed foods contribute greatly to the diabetes epidemic that we are facing in the west, as they contain harmful chemicals and preservatives, which are hard for your body to break down.
Processed foods also contain trans fats in the form of partially hydrogenated oil which is a key an ingredient in packaged foods, such as crisps, cookies, crackers, pies, or cakes. So why not make a smoothie, juice or salad and build your health and refuse packaged foods once and for all.
Allow yourself space for error and do your very best, by giving yourself 21 days you can recondition a lot of your habits and find new alternative options (such as the ones I have mentioned above). Don’t be fooled, this is not always an easy task, we are often heavily conditioned to eat junk food and new habits are not easily formed. One of the issues that we face is the over consumption of refined and processed foods.
This changes our taste buds and also the hormones in our body that respond to the consumption of food.
By changing our ways for 21 days or more we can begin to retrain our mind and our taste buds to want foods that are good for us and will provide optimal health. Why not check out my 21 Day Juice Cleanse to kick start your healing journey.