So here’s the thing, it’s the beginning of the year, we’re feeling like life is almost as we want it to be, but there are just a few things we need to work on.
So – What does everyone do?
We all make YET ANOTHER resolution or try to get fit and healthy!
Local Full Body MOT
Back in 2013, I went for a body MOT with a local health practitioner. Due to my mum’s illnesses, her dementia, diabetes and high blood pressure I was concerned about my own health.
I know if certain illnesses can be hereditary, and what my mother suffered from is likely to be passed down in her genes a generation to the children. In view of this, I wanted to reduce my risk of having these diseases and to start eating healthy, I opted to be bio-scanned.
The scan report was very interesting, he mentioned Janet “you are in need of help”. bio scan scan revealed several areas of my body that needed attention. He suggested a program to help me get back to optimum health. I only followed this for two months and then gave up. However, I still tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Consequences Of Giving Up
I remember, going to regular exercise classes, I attended the 06:30 am classes every Saturday morning. The classes were led by Anthony Lyken. A couple of times before the session finished I would feel dizzy, nauseous and hot and flustered.
I just couldn’t fathom what was happening to me. I convinced myself it was because I hadn’t had any breakfast or eat anything before class. These problems stop as suddenly as it started, then return later with no warning. I didn’t know what was causing me to fluctuate and feel like this.
In April 2015, while on a flight to Australia for a “Date with Destiny” conference hosted by Tony Robbins, I felt nauseous once again. Over the years, I noticed that whilst traveling on airplanes, I would feel nauseous, dizzy and often want to empty my bowels.
I visited my doctor who told me to take travel sickness tablets before flying. I took travel sickness tablets which didn’t ease the problem at all. So, I decided to get out of my seat and go to the restroom.
Hitting The Floor – literally!
I could smell the dirt, I then realized my face was close to the floor of the airplane. I was on the floor outside the toilet. , heard a member of the cabin crew ask
“Are you traveling alone or are you traveling with someone?”
I quickly realized that I hadn’t even entered the toilet. I had fainted and fallen to the ground, and didn’t know where I was.
The flight to Australia was extremely long, so my friend was sound asleep during this whole episode. The cabin crew tried to revive me. I came around and they then decided to take me to the back of the airplane. I stood up to walk but fainted again, then started uncontrollably vomiting.
After that whole embarrassing drama, they helped me back to my seat and gave me oxygen until I was able to breath easy and felt OK to carry on to our final destination.
I enjoyed the event without any ill-defined problems. Even on my way back to London, I had no motion sickness, dizziness or feeling nauseous.
As an international speaker
I was given the opportunity to speak at a women’s event called ‘Gravity Angels’. One of the speakers, Erran Warden chose a topic that was ‘to promote freedom through health and well-being’. He offered the same bio-scan I had done back in 2013.
I decided once again to get check out. After having the bio scan, he devised a program which I started but didn’t complete as it’s a mind-set change, meaning you have to change your eating habits and start ensuring you eat foods that are ‘good for you’.
A few months later after the event, I went on another vacation to the Dominican Republic. One evening we were out for dinner, then I looked down and noticed that my feet were puffy.
Recurring Problems
It was difficult to put my feet in shoes due to the swelling, but things got worse. In March 2017, I attended my friends 50th birthday at the Holiday Inn, Caribbean night out, but was ill once again.
I began to feel dizzy and weak immediately after I ate – can you image, I LOVE my Jamaican dishes, curried goat, oxtail, rice and peas, prawns, jerk salmon and other dishes all on the menu and I couldn’t touch them.
The next day, I decided to contact Erran to get another scan, which revealed that I had problems in my blood, my iron was low and I was deficient in other vitamins. In the meantime, I contacted my GP to get a blood test for additional confirmation.
The blood test also revealed my blood hemoglobin was very low. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs – It was at 4.9 where the average level for a woman ranges from 12 – 15.5 grams per decilitre. My GP also suggested that they do other tests.
These tests revealed a tumor which confirmed I had bowel cancer. I was still going to work but was taking my natural products to keep me going. I was put on an urgent list for surgery to remove the tumor, after which they took a few samples to the lab. It was a great relief when the test came back negative.
The cancer was gone, and it was not in my DNA which means I will not be passing it on to my children.
The daily 8 week program has helped me tremendously to maintain my weight, feeling more alert throughout the day, no tiredness and have a better relationship with food.
In fact, being on the program has reduced my shopping bill too.
I wanted to share my story with you. I want to help others reclaim their health.